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Have a Party!

Teen Kabetzke is CWJC-GP’s

Origami Owl Independent

Designer and she is definitely

something to Hoot about!


Teena is one of our partners

at CWJC-GP and will donate

20% of sales to us. How awesome is that! The parties are so much fun! Many of us have had a party with her and want you to jump in on the fun too!


If you love jewlery or know someone who does, this is the perfect opportunity to add more pieces or better yet start your own Origami Owl collection! OR do you want to have a piece of jewelry that is special to you? There are tons of charms and ways to honor, remember, or celebrate that special time in your life! 


So want to have fun? Want to support women at CWJC-GP? Contact Teena directly to schedule a party and don't forget to mention CWJC-GP so we can receive the benefit she is giving us!


                                 Don’t keep this all to yourself, tell your                                    friends and family too! Contact her                                          today by clicking here! You're going to                                    have a HOOTARIFIC good time!

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